Friday, October 19, 2012

Order of Service - October 14th 2012 (World Food Day)

20th Sunday of Pentecost
October 14th 2012

Welcome to worship. Please sign the guest book if you are visiting.
May God bless you during this time & renew your spirit.
*Asterisks invite all who are able to stand
Gathering Music:
Welcome and Announcements:
Lighting of the Christ Candle:
*Introit:          Take My Life and Let it Be                            VU 506

Call to Worship:
One: Loving and Caring God, our world is not a fair place
ALL: some have more than they can eat, others starve.
some have the luxury of sheets and blankets,
others have no bed.
One: Help us O God, to make this world a better place
ALL: where all who are hungry have food,
where all who are homeless have shelter.
One: Give us strength and courage to feed the hungry.
ALL: Give us the strength and courage to
live by Christ’s example today and always. AMEN.

Our Personal Confession and Silent Prayer …
            Silent Prayer ……………………… (F) Voices United pg. 959
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
            Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
                                    on earth as it is in heaven.
            Give us this day our daily bread.
            And forgive us our trespasses,
                        as we forgive those who trespass against us.
            And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
            For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory,
                        for ever and ever. AMEN

Prayer of Approach:
One: Ever-present God, we come together seeking you, We are eager
and ready to find you waiting for us, seeking us out. May this time of  worship time be a place of gracious thanksgiving where your kindness and compassion come to us in abundance even when we are tempted to turn away. May we remember that your presence is with us today and always. AMEN

*Hymn:          Lord Speak to Me                                           VU 589

(E) Story Time:
(E) *Hymn:    Seek ye First                                                   VU 356


Job 23:1-9, 16-17
Psalm 22 (part 1)                                                  (VU pg. 744)
Hebrews 4:12-16
            Mark 10:17-31

*Hymn:          Would You Bless our Homes and Families    VU 556

Reflection:      To a Place of Hope-filled Trust … the heart of faith …


*Hymn:          Let There Be Light                                         VU 679
Minute for Mission:

Offering Hymn: “Praise God From Whom …”                   HFG 382
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost AMEN.

Offering Prayer:
(from resources prepared by The Canadian Foodgrains Bank
for World Food Day, Oct. 16t )
Prayers of the People:
(F) *Hymn:    Seek Ye First                                                 VU 356
(F) Story Time:

* Hymn:         To Show By Touch and Word                        VU 427
*Choral Response: Amen, Amen, Hallelujah, Amen           (VU 974)

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